Thursday, January 21, 2010

Top 10 Things NOT to do On A Date...

10. Do NOT ask someone on a date via text message.

9. Do NOT ask your friend to drive you around on your date, and then put your date in the back seat of a 2 door vehicle to ride by herself, while you "kick it with your boy" in the front seat.

8. Do NOT discuss gay people, states that you hate or previous girlfriends on a first date.

7. Do NOT ask your date to follow you home so you can drop off your car and make her drive.

6. Do NOT refer the first date as some sort of job interview.

5. Do NOT pick your nose in public, especially if you have big plans to eat your boogers.

4. Do NOT make comments about her physical appearance, unless you are sure that it will be taken as a compliment.

3. If you get ditched by your date, while on the date, Do NOT under any circumstance show up at her house. In that case, please consider it a lost cause and move on.

2. Do NOT hide in the bushes after dark at your date's house and jump out at her with a box full of pizza ingredients whilst trying to be romantic... better yet, just don't do that EVER.

1. DO NOT under any circumstance, for any reason, ask any woman ever to PULL YOUR FINGER.


  1. Hilarious!!! Have all these things happened to you?

  2. They are a conglomeration of experiences of the 2 co-authors and a few thrown in from friends :o) ...but ALL of them have happened to one woman or another...
