Thursday, January 28, 2010

Physical Contact 101

A few quick tips about physical contact...

If a girl wants to hold your hand she will make it AVAILABLE TO YOU! She will not have her arms folded. She will not have her hands folded in her lap. She most likely will brush up against you like it's an accident.

If you are walking side by side and her purse is on the shoulder or arm that is closest to you... do NOT get closer. She is most likely shutting you down.

If she yawns... that is not an invitation to stick your finger in her mouth! That is both creepy and disgusting.

Hugging: Guys make yourself available... then let her come to you. It's not creepy if she initiates.

Kissing... you cannot attempt to get to second base if you haven't been invited to step up to the plate. Along those lines... if she dodges the first kiss, your best bet is to let her initiate the next one.

Let her be a part of the decision to kiss. Hitch had it right with the 90/10 scenario.

If upon meeting someone for the first time you feel an unsolicited urge to rub her shoulders... RESIST. This will cause you to be known as a creeper among her group of friends and will discourage her from dating you.

DO open the car door and offer your hand to help her out. Especially if she is wearing a dress and/or heels.

DO offer her your arm to cross the parking lot, sidewalk or stairs. This is particularly endearing if the weather is treacherous and the conditions you are walking in are less than perfect.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Online Dating... The Final Frontier

Online Dating... there are many words that can be used to describe it; sketchy, creepy, suspenseful, exciting, exhilarating and fun. There are also a few words that can describe some of the people you meet; Creeper, lame, boring, tool, charming, nice, funny and witty. Amongst these many adjectives are a few things that you would hopefully want people to use to describe you…and a few that hopefully DON’T describe you. How do you get people to use the ‘right’ words to describe you? Venus is here to help. Here are a few things that you can do to get on the ‘charming’ list and off the ‘creeper’ list if that is the way you sway.

First and foremost SPELL CHECK. It is an immediate red flag when you are not willing to take the time to proofread your profile for errors. While we are on the topic, proper grammar and punctuation are appreciated

Post a picture... Just like you don't like messaging people that don't have pictures, we don't enjoy replying to messages that do not have profile pictures. Are you hiding something?

Post a current picture. We know that even if you don't like to have your picture taken there is a picture somewhere taken of you after the year 1990.

While we are on the subject of pictures, let's chat about what pictures are appropriate... While we are also interested in the fish you caught and the 40 pictures of that car you are restoring, those are not the pictures we want to see on your profile. One picture of you with the car is appropriate, but that's it.

Lists of qualifications on your profile, ordered by importance and completely unachievable, are ridiculous. This is supposed to be our first impression of you and we can't tell if you are joking or actually expecting perfection.

We know it's hard to describe yourself, we have the same problem, but a little effort goes a long way. Empty profiles that require us to do all the leg work are not appealing. We don't want to take the time to message you if there isn't at least something intriguing in your profile.

If we are on a dating website chances are we are not looking for a random make out. That is
what bars, clubs, and personal ads on craigslist are for...

We do not claim to have all the answers but this, in our humble opinion, will help you make the most out of your online dating experience.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Hygiene Habits to Practice

We know it can be a daunting task to keep yourself groomed. We thought we would make it a little easier by letting you know which hygiene habits can be universally appreciated by all women.

Trimming your nose hairs, in fact trimming everything. We don't like chest or back hair coming out of your collar.

Women appreciate well groomed eye brows. If you have a unibrow, invest in some tweezers.

Deodorant is absolutely necessary. Cologne is not a substitute.

The wrinkled look is still out. We don't care what your friends do, if you don't want to take 10 minutes to hang up your clothes, then you should own and know how to operate an iron.

Brush your teeth and tongue daily... with toothpaste... preferably before you see people.

Shower. Shower. Shower. And use soap.

If you want to wear pants that are too big for you, wear a belt, and don't expect a second date.

If you don't have a washer and dryer on site... frequent the local laundromat. A roll of quarters and some Tide soap could make all the difference.

Febreeze to go and an air freshener for your automobile will work better than body spray and will seem less last minute.

Greasy hair is unacceptable. Hats on a first date that is not a sporting event are also unacceptable. You can find suitable shampoo for less than a dollar at most drugstores.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Top 10 Things NOT to do On A Date...

10. Do NOT ask someone on a date via text message.

9. Do NOT ask your friend to drive you around on your date, and then put your date in the back seat of a 2 door vehicle to ride by herself, while you "kick it with your boy" in the front seat.

8. Do NOT discuss gay people, states that you hate or previous girlfriends on a first date.

7. Do NOT ask your date to follow you home so you can drop off your car and make her drive.

6. Do NOT refer the first date as some sort of job interview.

5. Do NOT pick your nose in public, especially if you have big plans to eat your boogers.

4. Do NOT make comments about her physical appearance, unless you are sure that it will be taken as a compliment.

3. If you get ditched by your date, while on the date, Do NOT under any circumstance show up at her house. In that case, please consider it a lost cause and move on.

2. Do NOT hide in the bushes after dark at your date's house and jump out at her with a box full of pizza ingredients whilst trying to be romantic... better yet, just don't do that EVER.

1. DO NOT under any circumstance, for any reason, ask any woman ever to PULL YOUR FINGER.