Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chivalry Is Not Dead

We have gone through a few of the basics on what NOT to do... So we thought it would be appropriate to share with you some things that you SHOULD do.

For starters let's get something out in the open. Women want men to be men that let them be women. Let us explain...

When we get scared, we want you to be our hero and protect us from the monsters in the closet. This does not mean that you should bust out your booty shorts and sword of power and act like HE-MAN. However, checking the house when we hear weird noises will make us feel very safe... it might even win you some brownie points.

You are very strong and capable and when you do the heavy lifting it allows us to feel feminine and reminds us that we like all those manly things about you. We do not always expect you to carry our purse, but when you lift that case of water into the cart at the grocery store, or offer to carry our bags we appreciate it.

Sometimes we forget that we should let you open doors for us, but when you make the effort to get there first, we notice. This also goes for letting us into and out of the elevator first and when you help us up or down that one step.

We don't like bugs, rodents, insects of any kind, snakes or spiders. When they inevitably crawl into our space we will probably ask you to take care of them for us. Though you probably don't like them either, when you come to us victorious over such creepy crawlies it makes us smile and we remember how cute you are.

We do not expect you to always pump the gas, take out the garbage or warm up the car... but when you do, especially when it's cold outside, we remember that you care about us.

Lastly, we need closure once the relationship has run it's course. There is no sense dragging us along and making it harder on us and making your life more awkward. No one likes breaking up, but when you have made the decision to end it, don't prolong the inevitable. It's not mean, uncool or wrong in any way to end a relationship that isn't progressing... be man enough to tell us what you are thinking and we will have a lot of respect for the man that you are.


  1. Sometimes you wonder what your actions might convey unintentionally; rendering you motionless in the moment of necessity.

    It's good to know that some things are still constant. Also...not constant.

  2. It's true, the big things are very important, but the little things are the day to day things that add up and are very important.
